SonarQube7.2 and BitBucket Integration

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the follow-through. Quick note on this:

Making everything a long-lived branch in SQ, when it’s not what that is in real-life, is likely to result in other frustrations (short-lived branches have their own set of cool features around issue synchronization when merging etc.). At this stage I would very much rather recommend that you share your feedback transparently, and open up a proposal on the [Deprecated] Suggest new features category. We’re very much open to discuss anything, and it’ll also be an opportunity to get inputs from the community overall on this topic.

And just FYI, you’ll surely be interested to read MMF-1369 (Real Quality Gates for PRs and short-lived branches), which is only at the ideation phase right now, and which can definitely fuel further discussions in [Deprecated] Suggest new features !