Sonarqube with Keycloak

Hello everyone,

I was config Keycloak with Sonarqube, but when I trying access with de correct credencials, show menssge that i am not authorized to acces.

I just try to config one group to keycloak and only access to my sonarqube, maybe sonarqube dont soport grupos in keycloak to acces?



@Jonathan_Velasco How did you integrate your SonarQube with Keycloak? Have you used this plugin = ? Did you follow the complete instruction in GitHub page? Please make sure that your JWT token have admin group claim (sonar-administrators).

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Hello @vinod

Ty for reply, yes I’m using that plugins and the configuration is complete, I follow the instruction and configuration is success.
I try to access specifif group in Keycloak to Only Sonarqube client, so i am trying to use this GitHub page: but im not sure if is depreacted or if now is available with sonarqube v7.6


Hi @Jonathan_Velasco,

Which plugin are you using to authenticate with SAML ?

Julien Lancelot

Hi @Julien ,

I m using this one
With Openid-concet client protocol


@Jonathan_Velasco Could you please provide the screenshot of user group in Keycloak? Did you configured the user group in your SonarQube?

Ok, I’m not aware of this plugin, I let the ones who know it to help you.

Julien Lancelot