SonarQube Server update version lost quality profiles active/inactive rules

Hi all!

I’ve a question about SonarQube Server updates.
Is there a way to update SonarQube Server version without loose Quality Profiles active/deactive rules?

December 16, 2024 at 3:14 AM
First analysis since upgrading to SonarQube Server
Issue Detection:Capabilities have been updated (web)
Issue Detection:Capabilities have been updated (xml)
Quality Profile:“XXX” (cs) updated with 49 new rules and 2 modified rules
Quality Profile:“YYY” (css) updated with 24 new rules
Quality Profile:“ZZZ” (web) updated with 2 new rules
Quality Profile:“WWW” (js) updated with 8 new rules, 1 deactivated rule and 12 modified rules
Quality Profile:“TTT” (ts) updated with 19 new rules, 1 deactivated rule and 12 modified rules
Quality Profile:“KKK” (xml) updated with 1 deactivated rule and 2 modified rules

Every update I’ve to check every quality profile in order to set active/deactive rules.

Any ideas?

  • SonarQube Server v10.8 (100206) Developer Edition
  • SonarQube Server zip deployed

Hey there.

This doesn’t look like you’ve lost anything, simply that the Quality Profiles for each language are being updated with new/modified rules.

If you don’t want that to happen automatically, you can make sure you’re not using the built-in Quality Profiles (that get automatically updated during upgrades) nor using a Quality Profile that extends a built-in Quality profile.

Thank you Colin, sorry for the late reply.
Do you know an easy way to export deactivated rules before upgrade SonarQube in order to deactivate them again after the upgrade?

I’m on the way to upgrade to SonarQube Server 2025.1

Thank you!

Hey @Fabrizio.Mancin

After re-reading your thread, I think you’re facing SONAR-23184 – a bug that hopefully this gets fixed soon. This should only affect rules that have been deactivated in an extended Quality Profile.

We are evaluating what we need to do to fix this issue. You can of course refer to your Quality Profile’s changelog after an upgrade to address the unexpected changes.