SonarQube server 7.9.1 & sonarLint 4.1 has compatibility issue - as it is not able to catch all the sonar issue that are there in the sonarQube Server. All the issues that are there in the sonarQube server 7.9.1 are not being shown in the IDE using sonarLint 4.1
There are some well known cases of issues not reported in SonarLint. Please read Frequently asked questions, and update this thread with more details (like the rule key of an issue you are expecting to see in SonarLint) if still needed.
The issues that are not being caught in local IDE are the same rules that were being caught with sonarQube server version 6.6 but with the latest sonarQube server 7.9.1 version. This is issue happening only happening after we upgrade our sonarQube server from 6.6 to 7.9.1.
- There is no specific rule it is not catching it is happening for most of the rules that were caught in IDE with sonarlint with SonarQube server 6.6
Can you:
- enable verbose logs
- clean the SonarLint console
- run “Update all project bindings”
- check logs for interesting messages, or share them so that we can find the root cause
Still having an example of a rule (ruleKey) that was working before would maybe help.