SonarQube Local Instance WARNING: Authentication with the server has failed

Can anyone help with this error please? I’m attempting to get started with running the .net framework scanner on local sonarqube instance to trial run this product.

  • SonarQube
  • deployed: zip (Local)
  • Running .net framework scanner

I’ve installed sonarqube and logged in. Then updated admin password, created project and created token via http://localhost:9000/
I downloaded and installed the .net framework scanner and I’m trying to get it to run now

C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.yyy.zzz>SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:“BE” /“http://localhost:9000” /d:sonar.token=“sqp_xxxxxxx”
SonarScanner for MSBuild 8.0
Using the .NET Framework version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories…
10:28:34.273 Updating build integration targets…
10:28:34.544 10:28:34.544 WARNING: Authentication with the server has failed.
10:28:34.546 10:28:34.546 WARNING: In version 7 of the scanner, the default value for the changed from “http://localhost:9000” to “”.
If the intention was to connect to the local SonarQube instance, please add the parameter: /“http://localhost:9000
10:28:34.548 Pre-processing failed. Exit code: 1


Welcome to the community!

Based on the error message,

I’m guessing that there’s a mismatch between the project key you provided server-side at project creation and the one on the commandline and/or a copy/paste flub with the token.

That sqp token prefix tells me the token is project-specific, so if the keys don’t match, an auth error would be expected.



Thank you for your reply.

I created a new project and generated a new token, I then added that token to the following file : C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml

Within Property Name=“sonar.token” I set mytoken

  • Is this correct?

I use the commands as displayed in the SonarQube UI

Execute the Scanner

Running a SonarQube analysis is straightforward. You just need to execute the following commands at the root of your solution.”

3 commands are listed on UI

  • SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:“myprj” / /d:sonar.token=“mytoken”


I copy/paste these to the command line at location of solution. First command causes the error.

The .net global scanner works on our newer/later .net version solutions without issue. This issue is the .net framework scanner on 4.8 solutions.

Install Steps I followed

I downloaded/unzipped the .net framework scanner and added the directory containing SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe to the %PATH% environment variable.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


Hi Yvonne,

That’s not a good place for a project-specific token. That file provides build-agent defaults. That’s where you would set, e.g., i.e. values that apply universally to all analyses of all projects.

Are you actually running analysis on the same machine where SonarQube is running? That’s the only time a parameter is appropriate. Otherwise, you should use the URL of your SonarQube instance there.


Thank you for your reply.

  1. Adding the token to the SonarQube.Analysis.xml file
    I’ve removed this now
    Still I have the same issue
    2)Are you actually running analysis on the same machine where SonarQube is running?
    Yes its running locally.

Any ideas? logs that could help?

Thank you for your time.


Can you provide a debug log by adding /d:"sonar.verbose=true" to the begin command?


Thank you .Command line output below.
Nothing of note in logs at C:\sonarqube\sonarqube-\logs but I can add if needed.

C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website>SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /d:"sonar.verbose=true" /k:"" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.token="sqp_*removingmytoken*"
SonarScanner for MSBuild 8.0
Using the .NET Framework version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Default properties file was found at C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Loading analysis properties from C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
sonar.verbose=true was specified - setting the log verbosity to 'Debug'
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories...
Using environment variables to determine the download directory...
14:00:08.79  14:00:08.764  Loading analysis properties from C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
14:00:08.794  14:00:08.777  Server Url: http://localhost:9000
14:00:08.794  14:00:08.777  Api Url: http://localhost:9000/api/v2
14:00:08.794  14:00:08.777  Is SonarCloud: False
14:00:08.796  14:00:08.79  sonar.verbose=true was specified - setting the log verbosity to 'Debug'
14:00:08.799  Updating build integration targets...
14:00:08.803  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\4.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.807  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\10.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.808  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\11.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.809  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\12.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.81  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\14.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.81  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.812  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\Current\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:00:08.819  Installed SonarQube.Integration.targets to C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\bin\targets
14:00:08.824  Creating config and output folders...
14:00:08.825  Creating directory: C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\conf
14:00:08.826  Creating directory: C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\out
14:00:08.875  Downloading from http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=unknown...
14:00:09.085  Response received from http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=unknown...
14:00:09.088  14:00:09.088  WARNING: Authentication with the server has failed.
14:00:09.088  14:00:09.088  WARNING: In version 7 of the scanner, the default value for the changed from "http://localhost:9000" to "".
If the intention was to connect to the local SonarQube instance, please add the parameter: /"http://localhost:9000"
14:00:09.089  Pre-processing failed. Exit code: 1



Did you redact something here, or is that literally what the original log said?

Can you share your full begin command?


Thank you for your reply. I only replaced my token value. I’ve rerun this am and all output as is, is below.

C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website>SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"" /d:"sonar.verbose=true" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.token="sqp_7b349605bb4c3aa782214ecc47bc1aed969d0169"
SonarScanner for MSBuild 8.0
Using the .NET Framework version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Default properties file was found at C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Loading analysis properties from C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
sonar.verbose=true was specified - setting the log verbosity to 'Debug'
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories...
Using environment variables to determine the download directory...
14:04:29.805  14:04:29.702  Loading analysis properties from C:\sonar-scanner-\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
14:04:29.807  14:04:29.767  Server Url: http://localhost:9000
14:04:29.807  14:04:29.767  Api Url: http://localhost:9000/api/v2
14:04:29.808  14:04:29.767  Is SonarCloud: False
14:04:29.809  14:04:29.805  sonar.verbose=true was specified - setting the log verbosity to 'Debug'
14:04:29.814  Updating build integration targets...
14:04:29.838  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\4.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.841  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\10.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.844  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\11.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.85  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\12.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.882  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\14.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.887  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.89  The file SonarQube.Integration.ImportBefore.targets is up to date at C:\Users\ywalshe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\Current\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore
14:04:29.938  Installed SonarQube.Integration.targets to C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\bin\targets
14:04:29.942  Creating config and output folders...
14:04:29.944  Creating directory: C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\conf
14:04:29.946  Creating directory: C:\repo01\GBE_ROOT_WEB\GBET.Exchange.Website\trunk\src\GBET.Exchange.Website\.sonarqube\out
14:04:30.042  Downloading from http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=unknown...
14:04:30.284  Response received from http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=unknown...
14:04:30.286  14:04:30.286  WARNING: Authentication with the server has failed.
14:04:30.288  14:04:30.288  WARNING: In version 7 of the scanner, the default value for the changed from "http://localhost:9000" to "".
If the intention was to connect to the local SonarQube instance, please add the parameter: /"http://localhost:9000"
14:04:30.289  Pre-processing failed. Exit code: 1


Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for the log. I’m not sure where to go from here, so I’m going to flag this for more expert eyes.


Hey @ywalshe,
Can you create a Global Analysis Token and try again with that?

As a side note, since it’s a common misconception:

The .net global scanner works on our newer/later .net version solutions without issue. This issue is the .net framework scanner on 4.8 solutions.

The Scanner for .NET is fully compatible with .NET Framework projects. The only reason to use the old Scanner for MSBuild is, if you don’t have a modern version of .NET installed on the build machine.

1 Like

Does anyone have a solution for this issue.
I am getting exactly the same thing.
The interesting part is the message returned just before getting exception:
Tried using in browser and of course doesnt work.
However, if the component=unknown querystring is removed and sonar.logon=admin&sonar.password=… then it comes back with a page of key/values
Dont know if means anything or im just whistling in the dark!

Hi @rmzpfef,

Welcome to the community!

I’ve since learned that component=unknown is used for a pre-flight authentication check. So, this is expected.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for that bit of info.
Still doesn’t fix the underlying issue but does at least keep from worrying about that!!


Hey @rmzpfef,

Can you generate a Global Analysis Token and try again to see if it makes a difference?

Hi Tim,

No difference,.

Hi Yvonne,

I am having same issue.
Did you ever get past this? Do you have a fix?

Bob Pfeffer

How to investigate this further:

  • Look at the server logs, C:\sonarqube\sonarqube-\logs\access.log in particular.
  • Ping the server via curl:
    curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -i 'http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=unknown'
    The expected answer would be 404. If you get 401 or 403, something is wrong with your authentication/authorization.

Hi Bob,
I used the newer .Net scanner and that worked with my .net framework solution for this first step.
(After the first step you may need to use msbuild rather than dotnet build for the second step).


Hi Yvonne,
Downloaded latest and now it works.
One difference is first time I had edited the SonarQube.Analysis.xml that is in the net framework.
I had set the url, loginid and password.
This time I left that section commented out.
Wonder if that was issue.
Ah well.