Sonarqube in AKS with more than one replica

We have a sonarqube running in AKS installed with [Oteemo chart] with one replica (sonarqube 9.8.2 · oteemo/oteemo-charts)
Also I was reading this post
As far from I understand there is no way to implement rolling update. Is this also means that if we increase the number to have more than one replica (2 for example), there also could be a sync issue between elastic search and the 2 pods? (similar as rolling update deployment strategy). Should we increase from 4 GB to 6 ?

We have some times multiple request to that one replica Today, and we are facing some performance load issues. What could be the best workaround for this withoud purchasing the Datacenter edition?
Is increasing replica to 2 and deployments strategy to Recreate instead of rolling update, could solve the issue? not sure how the sync betwen ES and the pods works.

Thank you

Hi @yiyito,

You will face a race condition and risk your database being corrupted. Only the dce supports horizontal scaling.

If you are facing performance issues with sonarqube, you may want to look at the bottleneck why you have performance issues (CPU / memory limits of the pod or the size of the node that is hosting the pod or is the database a issue?) and try to scale vertically rather than horizontally.

Ah and btw there is now also a official Helm chart from sonarsource : GitHub - SonarSource/helm-chart-sonarqube

Hope that helps

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