SonarQube HTML Plugin Style Rule - Repaired

Not sure how to get anyone to help me out here or how to get plugged in so i don’t have to beg for attention.

Need Approval Please:

The check is only failing on nodes named “<style>” in markup instead of styles inline as attribute as the rule specifically says it is checking. This update repairs the check to look for an attribute and not a node name.

As the explanation says:
Noncompliant Code Example
< body >
< h1 style=“color: blue;” >Hello World!< /h1 >

Hi @Ryan,

Thank you for this fix! We will review and merge it as soon as possible.
Sorry for not having answered on the pull request sooner.

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Hi Nicolas,

Did this ever get merged? It still looks very broken in the latest release for us, and from the PR it looks like Ryan eventually just gave up waiting…

Thanks for the ping @agurden. I forgot to create a ticket in jira and the Pull Request was overlooked during the last sprint. It is now done: and assigned to the next release.

Thanks Nicholas. Do you have a rough idea of when the next release might be? I couldn’t see anything relevant suggesting a timeline, but I see the gap between the previous 2 releases was about 7 months.

Hi Andy,

No release date planned yet, sorry. It might take a some time before the next sprint on our HTML analyzer. We apologise again for not including this fix in the last one.

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