SonarQube Gradle Plugin Checkstyle update

I want to setup a SonarQube analysis together with Checkstyles. For this, I’m using gradle plugin for sonarqube for Java language. In my projects I’m using Java 18. When I run sonarqube analysis it keeps failing due to reason that he is not able to parse Java 18 syntax. This is because he is performing Checkstyle analysis as well with very old version of checkstyles (8.40). According to the documentation 8.40 supports only version from 1.6 till 1.8 (

What I want to achive is to use the newest version of checkstyle possible together with sonarQube. How can I configure version of sonar’s checkstyle libs?

Hey there.

I guess you’re using this plugin (on the SonarQube server side) to orchestrate running Checkstyle? In that case, I’d make sure you’re using the latest version of that plugin and reach out to the maintainers if you face any further issues.