SonarQube GHA Scanner - Ruby - Fails to read code coverage from coverage report

SonarQube Enterprise Edition version -

Problem Statement:
Hi I am running into an issue with the GitHub - SonarSource/sonarqube-scan-action for my ruby repository in terms of scanning the code coverage for my projects. The scanner can see the coverage.json report however I am noticing these warnings in the scanner output and the code coverage for the scan not displaying.

WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/lib/tasks/backfill.rake' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/bin/rails' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/app/controllers/healthcheck_controller.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/app/services/tracker_parser.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/app/models/tracking.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/app/models/api_client.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
WARN: File '/home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/Rakefile' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

I do see that when the sonarqube scanner executes the log outputs the base dir as Base dir: /github/workspace so from what I can see this looks to be an issue where the base dirs are located for the repository and the scanner. I am wondering if there is a fix for this issue?

Hi @etaylork,
Unfortunately, this seems like a re-occurring issue of using Github actions.
Have you taken a look at the description of the problem and solution in this thread?

Different solutions have been proposed to solve the issue in this post and that post.

Let us know if that does not solve your problem.

So I followed the instructions and got the issue resolved with parsing the coverage report but now in my PR I am seeing that there is 0% code coverage for new code, however when simplecov is executed it shows 90.38% ? I am also seeing that the PR is failing due to the failed quality gate however I am confused because I am using the sonarqube-scan-action which I thought was only for PR analysis and not for failing the PR if the quality-gate does not pass?

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /home/runner/work/shipment-tracking-service/shipment-tracking-service/coverage. 188 / 208 LOC (90.38%) covered.