Hi @Dubble_Majax,
Thank you, @anon67236913, for your explanation. This is not wrong, meaning this action effectively includes the exclusion settings, but the reason behind it is a bit different.
This topic was recently discussed here.
There are scenarios where we don’t include the excluded files (whether they come from SonarQube or your IDE settings):
- The first case is when triggering a manual analysis on the current file
- The second case is when triggering a report on one or multiple files.
In other cases, the excluded files are taken into account. This means automatic analysis (when opening a file, writing code, committing modifications, etc.) or actions not mentioned above, such as the Analyze All Project Files or Analyze VCS Changed Files actions (the list is non-exhaustive).
This decision was taken long ago, so the user can manually analyze a specific file (with a manual action) even though it is excluded by definition.
This is not something we are currently planning to change, but feel free to submit an idea in our roadmap, we would gladly reconsider this if this is an issue for SonarLint users.