Template for a good bug report, formatted with Markdown:
versions used (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
Sonarqube Server 7.9.4 (build 35981) Community Edition
error observed (wrap logs/code around triple quote ``` for proper formatting)
Since the last update I get an error message that a slash is not allowed in the project key:
Malformed key for Project: '<prefix>:bugfix/<branch name>'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.
In the version we use before the update the slash was allowed. Is there any reason why it is not longer allowed or is the a bug?
I am creating the project using the maven plugin from jenkins
The change has been introduced in 7.9.3. I found documentation of projectKey for the first time in 7.2:
The project key that is unique for each project.
Allowed characters are: letters, numbers, β-β, β_β, β.β and β:β, with at least one non-digit.
When using Maven, it is automatically set to <groupId>:<artifactId>.
The answer to your question is:
Allowing slash characters in projectKey was a bug which has been fixed in 7.9.3