SonarQube Documentation Chinese Translation

Hi, All,

My colleagues and I would like to translate the documentation of SonarQube 8.1 ( into the Chinese version.
Can you allow us to translate the documentation?
If it is ok, could you please tell me how to get the source of documentation so we can only translate English and generate the documentation in Chinese.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Tim,

First: Wow! Big undertaking! And kudos for being willing.

You’ll find the source here:

You’ll also want to check the README a couple directories up:

Unfortunately, unless you do your own SonarQube builds, you won’t be able to embed your version in the server. Nor will this be picked up from i18n bundles. However, you should be able to generate your own static/standalone site; it’s just an automatic output of the SonarQube build.

Hope this helps & let us know if you have questions.


Hi, Ann,

Thank you for your information.
We will start to translate the documentation in Chinese. :smiley:


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