Sonarqube Developer Edition Version 8.9.6 : Support for Java 17 projects

Hi Team,
We are using the sonarqube 8.9.6 version and looking for the guidance on analyzing java 17 projects against that. Is that supported or there could be any issue we can face if we analyze java 17 projects on 8.9.6 version.

  • Sonarqube - 8.9.6 Developer edition
  • Sonar Scanner for Java -


Hi Nidhi,

Welcome to the community!

You’ll need to upgrade to analyze Java 17 projects.


Thanks Ann for your prompt response. But will the analysis still work for java 17 projects. I ran some jobs and it worked for java 17 with sonar 8.9.6.

What concerns/issues we can face if we don’t upgrade the sonarqube as there is no LTS version of sonarqube.


Hi Nidhi,

Define “work”.

If you take a project written with Java 11 and start compiling it with Java 17, analysis of that project will still work. But if you start actually using the new features of Java 17, you’re far less likely to be successful.

Ehm… I’m not sure what you mean here, but just to put the record straight, there is an LTS version of SonarQube: 8.9.10. If you mean there’s no LTS version that supports Java 17, well then, you’re right. Look for the next LTS in 2023Q1.
