Sonarqube-developer-7.4: build-wrapper exits unexpecedly with build-wrapper: SQ_WRAPPER_SOCKET is missing

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • Sonarqube Developer 7.4
  • CFamily Plugin 5.1.1 (build 10386)

We are trying to analyze a C/C++ Project with sonarqube.

The build takes place inside a docker container.
the process looks roughly like this:

  1. run a before build
    1.1 fetch https://sonar-dev.internal.********.com/static/cpp/
    1.2 unpack the file and copy content to /usr/bin
  2. run build
    2.1 execute the build wrapper’ed make command
    2.2 here it fails

see last line of the snippet below:

06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ ls /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	/usr/bin/
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	/usr/bin/
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ ls /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-i686 /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	/usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-i686
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	/usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ ldconfig
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	++ which build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ test '!' -z /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	++ which build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ ldd /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86_64
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 (0x00007ffc7f7c2000)
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fa619295000)
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	        /lib64/ (0x00007fa61945e000)
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+++ nproc
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	++ expr 8 / 2
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/bin/
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	+ /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86_64 --out-dir bw_output make -j 4
06-Dec-2018 14:32:12 	build-wrapper: SQ_WRAPPER_SOCKET is missing

There is no content on google or the official documentation which I could find. How should I proceed?

Hello @gve,

Could you please send us the build-wrapper.log file that is in your bw_output folder?

Thank you!


I tried hard to find this Logfile, but I can confirm: It is not generated at all.

root@4c9c8230dc2f:/code/build_prod# ls
CMakeCache.txt	CMakeFiles  Makefile  cmake_install.cmake  wta
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/code/build_prod# LD_PRELOAD=/usr/bin/ /usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir bw_output make -j $(expr $(nproc) / 2)    
build-wrapper: SQ_WRAPPER_SOCKET is missing
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/code/build_prod# find . -name "bw_output"
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/code/build_prod# ls -a
.  ..  CMakeCache.txt  CMakeFiles  Makefile  cmake_install.cmake  wta
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/code/build_prod# cd /
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/# find . -name "bw_output"
root@4c9c8230dc2f:/# find . -name "build-wrapper.log"

Since build-wrapper is run inside docker, could this be related to a missing capability?

Hello @gve

We noticed that the way you launch the build wrapper is very strange, and is the source of the issue: Before launching it, you change the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to pre-load our libinterceptor libraries. You should not do that!

If you remove this strange LD_PRELOAD=/usr/bin/ from your command line, it should work better.

Best regards,

Helo again!

LD_PRELOAD is used to selectivly force to load a shared object like So using LD_PRELOAD in the case of throwing an error is very common path for troubleshooting, which I went down since I got this huge amount of (misleading?) errors:

Trying your suggestion leads to:

/usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir bw_output make -j 4
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/bin/libinterceptor-${PLATFORM}.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

<many screens full of more of this lines>

However, the dir bw_output is created and contains files now:


# (C) SonarSource SA, 2014-2017,
# All SONARSOURCE programs and content are copyright protected.
# SONARSOURCE and SONARQUBE are trademarks of SonarSource SA. All rights are expressly reserved.
# This file is designed exclusively for use with the SONARSOURCE C / C++ / Objective-C Plugin.
# It may not be used in connection with any other software.
# Any other use is prohibited by law and may be grounds for immediate termination of your License.


Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: System name: Linux Nodename: 7f5179434c71 Release: 4.13.0-46-generic Version: #51-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 12 12:36:29 UTC 2018 Machine: x86_64
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: socket path: /tmp/build-wrapper-socket.CSTBsG
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: dynamic library found: /usr/bin/
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: dynamic library found: /usr/bin/
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: command executed as: <build-wrapper-linux-x86-64>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: command line received: <make -j 4>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 0: <HOSTNAME=7f5179434c71>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 1: <OLDPWD=/root>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 2: <PWD=/code/build_prod>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 3: <OS_DEP=  build-essential   curl   ca-certificates   unzip   libboost-graph1.62-dev   libboost-program-options1.62-dev   libgmock-dev   libgmp-dev   libegl1-mesa-dev   libglu1-mesa-dev   libglew-dev   libtbb-dev   m4   cmake   git   strace >
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 4: <HOME=/root>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 5: <TERM=xterm>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 6: <PLATFORM=x86_64>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 7: <SHLVL=1>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 8: <PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: env 9: <_=/usr/bin/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: executing: <make -j 4>
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: initializing json file
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: finalizing json file
Tue Dec 11 10:29:57 2018: returned with code: 0

The same happens, when build-wrapper/libinterceptor-* are situated in the build root directory.

So it seems there is an empty result or build-wrapper not working the way I run it. I propose the latter… :slight_smile:

Hello again @gve,

You might be affected by the same issue that was reported in this thread: SonarQube - C++ - Ubuntu - build-wrapper LD_PRELOAD Error - #7 by choosyg

To check if this is the case, you can run the command:

strace -f -E LD_DEBUG=all ./build-wrapper-linux-x86/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir bw-output /bin/echo test >stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt

And search if the resulting output contains If so, you are in the same situation, and you can work around it by using the same way that was proposed there:

If not, we don’t yet know what happens, and we might be interested in getting the files generated by this strace command to look at them more deeply.

Hope this helps…

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Thanks for the tip about ubuntu! :slight_smile:
Copying to did the trick!
