SonarQube Background Tasks are pending and keeps increasing

Hi Team,

We are using SonarQube CE - Version 9.9 ( build 65466) in ECS with RDS PSQL version 13.10

Recently, we have getting issues in Background Tasks, its going more than 50+ tasks in Pending and Tasks are InProgress one by one only.
These tasks getting submitted and its getting started after 30 min or 45 min and these tasks will finish within few sec itself.
But there are alot of Tasks in Pending state.

Need assistance of this issue, is this expected in Community Edition or is there something we need to really need to look into it?

We have attached the screenshot for your reference.

Hey there.

It’s expected that when using Community Edition, only one worker can process tasks at a time. Take a look at the documentation here: Compute engine performance

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Thanks @Colin , now understood.

Want to check if we can increase the default timeout of background tasks, since most of the users Tasks getting timeout after 30 min.

That sounds like the real problem. :slight_smile:

I’m a little confused though – what exactly is timing out? The background task, or something (like the CI) polling for the background task status / quality gate?

@Colin This was mainly going on because of this issue we feel.

After the upgrade of sonar version to 9.9.2, now issue has been resolved. Now the wait time is less compared to older scenrio.

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