SonarQube - Azure DevOps integration in private Vnet

Hey guys!

Im trying to use SonarQube Community edition (installed on a VM in azure in a VNET). I created a sonar service endpoint but instead of using the Public IP/dns of the VM i need to use the private IP of the VM for security reasons so i can avoid having that VM publicly exposed.

Of course, i get a Timeout when the job “Prepare Analysis Configuration” executes (because the service endpoint i configured has the private IP. Everything works perfect if i use the public IP/dns )

Is there anyway to configure “SonarQube Server Endpoint” with a private IP in azure? Cant find any documentation about this, everyone seems to be using the Public IP of the VM with Sonar

(sorry about my english is not very good lol)


Im guessing for some reason is not possible lol. At least not using the SonarQube Endpoint for azure, right?


After some internal chatter, it looks like using a public bastion is maybe your best option. Unfortunately, we’re not able to help you with that.


Thank you Ann! I’ll see if i can use an agent.
