[sonarlint-vscode|Bug] Report Issue link to github from vscode 404

It seems that the vscode-sonarlint extension has not been updated to use this forum, instead if you try to report a bug it will lead you to a 404 page of github since the issues are disabled in the repo.

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Hello, thank you for your feedback!

Which link are you referring to? As far as I can tell:

  • The one labeled “Issues” from the Visual Studio Marketplace correctly links to our JIRA instance, which is where we track upcoming work and bugs to fix
  • On that same page, the one labeled “No Open Issues” is generated automatically by the marketplace - and indeed, since we don’t user GitHub issues for this project, it returns a 404; I’m not sure whether there is anything we can do about it

Having said that, we might suggest to the fine folks at Microsoft to hide this link, and maybe let them use the one marked as qna in the extension’s package.json.

The issue reporter within vscode

Thank you for the additional details!

As far as I can tell, this error reporter is a built-in feature of VSCode, and indeed it won’t work on our repository.

I opened an issue on VSCode’s repo, I believe it would make sense for extensions to customize how they want their users to report issues.

And now that you have found this very forum, please feel free to come back with more feedback, we do appreciate :slight_smile:

Example how to manage it.