SonarLint SonarQube compatibility


I use eclipse 2020-03 with SonarLint on ubuntu

With the default sonar settings and rules I see the sonar error markers for my java 13 source in eclipse.
When I bind my projects with our build server the markers disappear.

I have updated to the newest sonar and eclipse version, I reimported the projects and I deleted the .sonarlint workspace folder - without success.

On the serverside we use
SonarQube 7.9 (build 26994)
SonarJava 6.2 (build 21135)

SonarLint in detail:
SonarSource SonarLint Core - Client API org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.sonarlint-client-api
SonarSource SonarLint Core - Implementation org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.sonarlint-core
SonarSource SonarLint for Eclipse org.sonarlint.eclipse.ui
SonarSource SonarLint for Eclipse CDT org.sonarlint.eclipse.cdt
SonarSource SonarLint for Eclipse Core org.sonarlint.eclipse.core
SonarSource SonarLint for Eclipse JDT org.sonarlint.eclipse.jdt
SonarSource SonarLint for Eclipse m2e org.sonarlint.eclipse.m2e

In the sonar console log the only errors I’ve found are

GET 200 https://xyz.sonar.server/api/plugins/installed | response time=34ms
Downloaded plugin list in 43ms
Code analyzer 'smells' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'findbugs' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'scmgit' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'authgithub' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'jacoco' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'ldap' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'authsaml' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'csharp' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'cssfamily' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'flex' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'go' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'typescript' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'vbnet' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'scmsvn' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
Code analyzer 'yaml' is not compatible with SonarLint. Skip downloading it.

Seems to me that our SonarCube 7.9 LTS is not compatible with my SonarLint.
Can you help me please? Is this my problem - and if - what is a compatible SonarLint version?


Can you share the analysis logs when you open a file where you have some issues (not connected) and then the same logs after binding the project?

Hi Julien,

thanks for invastigating my problem!

the logs without binding:

Clear markers on 0 excluded files
SonarLint processing file /service/src/main/java/
Standalone mode (project not bound)
Starting analysis with configuration:
  baseDir: /home/xyz/projects/xyz/service
  extraProperties: {, 
  excludedRules: []
  includedRules: []
  inputFiles: [
    file:/home/xyz/projects/xyz/service/src/main/java/ (UTF-8)

TypeScript sensor excluded
Available languages:
  * PHP => "php"
  * Python => "py"
  * Java => "java"
  * HTML => "web"
  * JSP => "jsp"
  * JavaScript => "js"
  * TypeScript => "ts"
Start analysis
Declared extensions of language PHP were converted to php: **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc
Declared extensions of language Python were converted to py: **/*.py
Declared extensions of language Java were converted to java: **/*.java,**/*.jav
Declared extensions of language HTML were converted to web: **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml
Declared extensions of language JSP were converted to jsp: **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx
Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to js: **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.vue
Declared extensions of language TypeScript were converted to ts: **/*.ts,**/*.tsx
Index files
Language of file 'file:/home/xyz/projects/xyz/service/src/main/java/' is detected to be 'java'
1 file indexed
Execute Sensor: JavaSquidSensor
Configured Java source version ( 13
JavaClasspath initialization
JavaClasspath initialization (done) | time=2ms
JavaTestClasspath initialization
JavaTestClasspath initialization (done) | time=2ms
----- Classpath analyzed by Squid:
----- Classpath analyzed by Squid:
----- Classpath analyzed by Squid:
Java Main Files AST scan
1 source files to be analyzed
Initializing metadata of file file:/home/xyz/projects/xyz/service/src/main/java/
1/1 source files have been analyzed
Java Main Files AST scan (done) | time=1116ms
Java Test Files AST scan
0 source files to be analyzed
0/0 source files have been analyzed
Java Test Files AST scan (done) | time=0ms
Java Generated Files AST scan
0 source files to be analyzed
Java Generated Files AST scan (done) | time=3ms
0/0 source files have been analyzed
'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Execute Sensor: JavaXmlSensor
Execute Sensor: HTML
'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Found 13 issue(s)
Done in 2147 ms

and the logs with binding:

Clear markers on 0 excluded files
SonarLint processing file /service/src/main/java/
Connected mode (using configuration of 'xyz.master' in server 'xyz.sonar.server')
Starting analysis with configuration:
  projectKey: xyz.master
  baseDir: /home/xyz/projects/xyz/service
  extraProperties: {, 
  inputFiles: [
    file:/home/xyz/projects/xyz/service/src/main/java/ (UTF-8)

Available languages:
  * Scala => "scala"
  * Python => "py"
  * Java => "java"
  * HTML => "web"
  * JSP => "jsp"
  * XML => "xml"
  * Kotlin => "kotlin"
  * PHP => "php"
  * JavaScript => "js"
  * Ruby => "ruby"
Start analysis
Declared extensions of language Scala were converted to scala: **/*.scala
Declared extensions of language Python were converted to py: **/*.py
Declared extensions of language Java were converted to java: **/*.java,**/*.jav
Declared extensions of language HTML were converted to web: **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml
Declared extensions of language JSP were converted to jsp: **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx
Declared extensions of language XML were converted to xml: **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl
Declared extensions of language Kotlin were converted to kotlin: **/*.kt
Declared extensions of language PHP were converted to php: **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc
Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to js: **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.vue
Declared extensions of language Ruby were converted to ruby: **/*.rb
Index files
Language of file 'file:/home/xyz/projects/xyz/service/src/main/java/' is detected to be 'java'
1 file indexed
Quality profiles:
  * java: 'The Project Rules' (336 rules)
  * js: 'Sonar way' (88 rules)
  * jsp: 'FindBugs Security JSP' (6 rules)
  * kotlin: 'Sonar way' (30 rules)
  * php: 'Sonar way' (87 rules)
  * py: 'Sonar way' (31 rules)
  * ruby: 'Sonar way' (29 rules)
  * scala: 'Sonar way' (28 rules)
  * web: 'Sonar way' (18 rules)
  * xml: 'Sonar way' (4 rules)
Execute Sensor: JavaSquidSensor
Configured Java source version ( 13
JavaClasspath initialization
JavaClasspath initialization (done) | time=2ms
JavaTestClasspath initialization
JavaTestClasspath initialization (done) | time=1ms
----- Classpath analyzed by Squid:
----- Classpath analyzed by Squid:
Java Main Files AST scan
1 source files to be analyzed
Java Main Files AST scan (done) | time=234ms
Java Test Files AST scan
1/1 source files have been analyzed
0 source files to be analyzed
Java Test Files AST scan (done) | time=0ms
0/0 source files have been analyzed
'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Python Squid Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'JavaXmlSensor' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
Execute Sensor: HTML
'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'SonarJS' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'ESLint-based SonarJS' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Found 0 issue(s)
Done in 265 ms

I cut the “Classpath analyzed by Squid” out and the config extraProperties too. Please let me know if you need them for your analysis.

They should be totally identical in the two cases, so it might not be needed.

In the end the only difference I can see is that in connected mode you are using the Java analyzer of the server (6.2), while out of the box, SonarLint embed the Java analyzer 6.3.

What is the rule producing issues in non connected mode? Maybe this is a new rule, or a rule that has been improved?

Do you have the ability to update the Java analyzer on your SonarQube server?

Quite old rules, I think - just added the issues to see the markers:

Rule key Rule name
java:S1135 Track uses of “TODO” tags
java:S1104 Class variable fields should not have public accessibility
java:S2386 Mutable fields should not be “public static”
java:S1124 Modifiers should be declared in the correct order
java:S1148 Throwable.printStackTrace(…) should not be called
java:S1155 Collection.isEmpty() should be used to test for emptiness
java:S2259 Null pointers should not be dereferenced
java:S112 Generic exceptions should never be thrown
java:S2114 Collections should not be passed as arguments to their own methods
java:S106 Standard outputs should not be used directly to log anything
java:S125 Sections of code should not be commented out
java:S2093 Try-with-resources should be used
java:S2095 Resources should be closed

Yes, done. Still no markers.

By chance, do you have any issue exclusion property defined for this project on the SonarQube server?

No, I don’t.
And I can see the issues on the server too.

Can you share with me (privately) the output of: <your SQ server>/api/plugins/installed
I would like to check if another plugin could not be responsible for muting the issues in SonarLint.

But this is very strange. Connected mode vs non connected mode works exactly in the same way. The only difference is that in connected mode we use analyzer and quality profiles from the server.

Issues are not marked as false positive/won’t fix on the server right?

You could also try to delete the folder <Eclipse workspace>/.sonarlint/modules/<your project key>/issues and restart Eclipse but I fail to see why it would mute all your issues.

Yes, right.

Meanwhile deleting .sonarlint/ is mandatory for me (after config changes) :slight_smile:

is this the correct way to answer you privately?

so, here are the plugins:

    "plugins": [
            "key": "smells",
            "name": "Code Smells",
            "description": "Allows developers to programmatically report code smells usually not seen by SonarQube but which should be taken into consideration when evaluating a project's technical debt. Usage <a href=\"\">documentation</a> is available on the project's Homepage.",
            "version": "4.0.0",
            "license": "The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0",
            "organizationName": "QualInsight",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "updatedAt": 1585232160544,
            "filename": "qualinsight-sonarqube-smell-plugin-4.0.0.jar",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "d0418e95f362980bf0a9f41386ec0a16"
            "key": "findbugs",
            "name": "Findbugs",
            "description": "Analyze Java, Scala, Closure and JSP code with SpotBugs. 4.0.0",
            "version": "4.0.0",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SpotBugs Team",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-findbugs-plugin-4.0.0.jar",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "e490208c0a8f8f32bd7e63a8e5c563d8"
            "key": "scmgit",
            "name": "Git",
            "description": "Git SCM Provider for SonarQube",
            "version": "1.8 (build 1574)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "aec3dc8f5228aabd218e1cd31ac6e6515a43715d",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-scm-git-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "716a52eef1e2edefeafa4c83c9c33a22"
            "key": "authgithub",
            "name": "GitHub Authentication for SonarQube",
            "description": "GitHub Authentication for SonarQube",
            "version": "1.5 (build 870)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "153f7c7af7a264adb0fcbe5fee87bdd140a6a3a1",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-auth-github-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "59d98c94277e5faa8377ba521e440eba"
            "key": "jacoco",
            "name": "JaCoCo",
            "description": "JaCoCo XML report importer",
            "version": "1.0.2 (build 475)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "b79a4724f3a9af1051266b4f8ca0460977295ead",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-jacoco-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "513697d7dc792f02b10b1f4bcb9b48ab"
            "key": "java",
            "name": "Java Code Quality and Security",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for Java",
            "version": "6.3 (build 21585)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "ecf8f9f571691771e6789b8e59ff5e6b4ef36ad8",
            "updatedAt": 1589964018936,
            "filename": "sonar-java-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "b7770418b475741340f318372f55c33a"
            "key": "ldap",
            "name": "LDAP",
            "description": "Delegates authentication to LDAP",
            "version": "2.2 (build 608)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "79dc3fa4393a29667673c70182f3016288b548b7",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-ldap-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "90da8f56fbbbb3624b8a3f6f1075860a"
            "key": "authsaml",
            "name": "SAML 2.0 Authentication for SonarQube",
            "description": "SAML 2.0 Authentication for SonarQube",
            "version": "1.1.0 (build 181)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "16fcb5be2d3bcfee8920b29cd758d8b957a18acb",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-auth-saml-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "cb2c8bc61a566b6f9bd7f4a8d9518a25"
            "key": "webdriver",
            "name": "Sonar WebDriver Plugin",
            "description": "WebDriver plugin for Sonar",
            "version": "1.0.5",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "updatedAt": 1585232160544,
            "filename": "sonar-webdriver-plugin-1.0.5.jar",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "e090790b42e608c86f52be9544ce14cd"
            "key": "csharp",
            "name": "SonarC#",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for C#",
            "version": "7.15 (build 8572)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "e0ad49e38a28a8fc333ba746fc998e48678f6a8b",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-csharp-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "73d90ce62c95649d02af4292588b027d"
            "key": "cssfamily",
            "name": "SonarCSS",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for CSS",
            "version": "1.1.1 (build 1010)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "365e21fd0cb9035669fc59f6fec7c8fd28a7303b",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-css-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "489f1b0ff745f9a744c23a97445caf98"
            "key": "flex",
            "name": "SonarFlex",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for Flex / ActionScript",
            "version": "2.5.1 (build 1831)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "a0c44437f6abb0feec76edd073f91fec64db2a6c",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-flex-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "6ead78e9824cd63c2952b34ee1f1231c"
            "key": "go",
            "name": "SonarGo",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for Go",
            "version": "1.1.1 (build 2000)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
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            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
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            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-go-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "e1977f8aaefcb2066437d32de0b347b0"
            "key": "web",
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            "description": "Code analyzer for HTML",
            "version": "3.1 (build 1615)",
            "license": "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource and Matthijs Galesloot",
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            "implementationBuild": "4181edb5eff5605bec82dc0aa15ecd70eaa5857f",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
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            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "91f25bbf08401b93d651d5f3653d2e0e"
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            "name": "SonarJS",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for JavaScript",
            "version": "5.2.1 (build 7778)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource and Eriks Nukis",
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            "homepageUrl": "",
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            "hash": "866bb1adbf016ea515620f1aaa15ec53"
            "key": "kotlin",
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            "description": "Code Analyzer for Kotlin",
            "version": "1.5.0 (build 315)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
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            "filename": "sonar-kotlin-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "2d9994a460180757f3fbad54f03e818e"
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            "name": "SonarPHP",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for PHP",
            "version": "",
            "license": "GNU LGPL v3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource and Akram Ben Aissi",
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            "organizationName": "SonarSource and Waleri Enns",
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            "hash": "396c47dd09aa729505a058d64e17bb35"
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            "version": "1.5.0 (build 315)",
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            "hash": "74dfad9fb80c653ed5c959c3b2ed5a4a"
            "key": "sonarscala",
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            "version": "1.5.0 (build 315)",
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            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "45e3bfcd65e7578ed4cd89604de3b06f"
            "key": "typescript",
            "name": "SonarTS",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for TypeScript",
            "version": "1.9 (build 3766)",
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            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
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            "filename": "sonar-typescript-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "4a3cc03335859f0839de090b0ed35956"
            "key": "vbnet",
            "name": "SonarVB",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for VB.NET",
            "version": "7.15 (build 8572)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "e0ad49e38a28a8fc333ba746fc998e48678f6a8b",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-vbnet-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "511f59a24e74f40d7e810467f1e3a253"
            "key": "xml",
            "name": "SonarXML",
            "description": "Code Analyzer for XML",
            "version": "2.0.1 (build 2020)",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "c5b84004face582d56f110e24c29bf9c6a679e69",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-xml-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "0c3ec093156f0350edc21e2a1d7ef2ee"
            "key": "scmsvn",
            "name": "Svn",
            "description": "Subversion SCM Provider for SonarQube",
            "version": "",
            "license": "GNU LGPL 3",
            "organizationName": "SonarSource",
            "organizationUrl": "",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "implementationBuild": "942e075773975354e32691a60bfd968065703e04",
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonar-scm-svn-plugin-",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "37ae8929672c56a67919c60df53b4283"
            "key": "wrwkscustom",
            "name": "WRWKS Custom Sonar Rules",
            "description": "WRWKS Custom Sonar Rules",
            "version": "10.0-SNAPSHOT",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "updatedAt": 1585232108709,
            "filename": "sonarqube-rules-10.0-20190304.124825-2.jar",
            "sonarLintSupported": true,
            "hash": "3263649bc0640aeed9cd160c46856bcb"
            "key": "yaml",
            "name": "YAML Analyzer",
            "description": "YAML 1.1 plugin for SonarQube",
            "version": "1.5.1",
            "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
            "editionBundled": false,
            "homepageUrl": "",
            "issueTrackerUrl": "",
            "updatedAt": 1585232160544,
            "filename": "sonar-yaml-plugin-1.5.1.jar",
            "sonarLintSupported": false,
            "hash": "a79dab68b83d851123e72abd0572bd79"

So, seems to be an unsolvable problem …?

Anyway - thanks for your investigations!

Probably not unsolvable, just a bit puzzling to me :slight_smile:

What about the wrwkscustom plugin. Could it be interfering in a way? Do you have the opportunity to remove it temporarily from the server?

Also can you double check that your quality profile (java: ‘The Project Rules’ (336 rules)) contains the rules you expect issues to be created (the same rules than you tried in standalone mode).
I see for example that you have the findbugs plugin installed. Don’t expect SonarLint to report any of the issues found by findbugs.

During double-checking I saw that we must have some problem deploying our rule set. E.g. S106 is defined in our ‘The Project Rules’ but I can’t find the rule on the server (only as ‘Sonar way’).
So I’ll take a look what’s going on there and get back to you when I have some news.

Done. Unfortunately still no issues found (after deleting the connection, deleting .sonarlint and restarting eclipse).
Could have been a good candidate for the problem - uses old java plugin version and old sonar version in the pom … I didn’t even know, we have this - so thanks for pointing this out!

SonarLint is working now!
The problem was, that our non-findbugs-rules weren’t accepted any longer by sonar. The squid repo was renamed to java repo and the checkstyle plugin has been deactivated some long time ago.
So I moved squid to java and searched for the appropriate sonar rules for checkstyle (a little bit cumbersome).

Many thanks for your support!


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