We’re trying Analyze the code from local Eclipse IDE, but the “Code Smell” Count doesn’t match for some files. However, the specific rule is enabled in both the SQ Server and Eclipse IDE - project bindings are also successfully mapped. Could someone help further.
Config Details:
SonarQube - V8.2 Developer Edition
Scanner -
IDE - Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Plugin - SonarLint 5.5.0
When I analyze file with verbose log enabled, it had reported not much info except Could not complete symbolic execution - according to the below, it says that it is harmless and can be avoided https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34065727/error-could-not-complete-symbolic-execution-reached-limit-of-10000-steps
Some of Java Rules not validated in Eclipse are: S2259, S3252, S1751 and there are few more other than these which are enabled in SonarLint but not reporting the ‘Code Smell’ which SQ has reported.
Attaching SonarLint Verbose logs:
SonarLintLog.txt (60.3 KB)
Further help would be much appreciated. Thanks