Sonarlint on Idea runs infinitely

Operating system: Windows 11
SonarLint plugin version:
Programming language you’re coding in: Java
Is connected mode used: Yes
Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): local SonarQube Community with docker image “sonarqube:lts-community”

When I make changes to files, the extension sonarlint makes an analyse that run infinitely.

there is a similar thread :

Sonarlint on Idea runs infinitely - SonarLint / IntelliJ Platform - Sonar Community (

and the thread dumps :

threadDump-20240926-170932.txt (442.4 KB)

Hello @Nathan_FLACHER, thanks for reaching out to us about this.

On top of the current thread dump you shared, could you also take a thread dump of the SonarLint process running in the background? You can do as follows:

  • Running the jps command from the console to find the id of the JVM process for SonarLintServerCli
  • Make a thread dump with jstack <id>

Thank you!

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