SonarLint Not Showing Same Scan Result as SonarQube Server

Hello there,

I just ran the latest SonarLint plugin against SonarQube Developer Edition,
Version 7.7 (build 23042) and noticed a difference in findings reporting.

Here is my setup:

  • SonarLint has updated bindings, it is bound to server and the corresponding sonarqube project.
  • I have seen no file exclusions configured

I have uploaded a couple of screenshots in which you see the scan result presented on SonarQube server, as well as in SonarLint. The concrete problem I see is that SonarLint does not report the “Unused Import” finding, although SonarQube server found it (and both server and plugin should use the same rule set). Why can this happen? The finding is in

Thanks for any help.



Quick side note: Sorry to say, but I think it is kind of unfortunate to let new users only add one picture to the post. So here is the rest.

SonarLint is configured to also use the same quality profile.

Here you can see that the file does not show up in SonarLint, even if SonarQube has a finding.

This is the SonarQube finding.

Hi André,

This seems to be a classic case of issue actually not found by SonarQube core analysis engine (which is shared by SonarLint), but rather imported from a 3rd party analyzer (hence not covered by SonarLint). Your 2nd screenshot here shows an issue coming from checkstyle.

As highlighted in SonarLint FAQ:

Note: seems like you could look into SonarQube’s native equivalent rule Java static code analysis: Unnecessary imports should be removed


Good morning Nico,

Thanks for your answer. From that perspective, it makes sense :slight_smile: Sorry, did not see the FAQ. Thanks for the link!

Have a great day!

Best regards,