I have installed sonarLint extension of version 1.17.0 in my vscode of version 1.49.2
Mine is windows OS.
I had also set the sonarlint.ls.javaHome variale in my vs code
"sonarlint.ls.javaHome": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre1.8.0_141",
but sonarLint is not highlighting any errors in my vs code.
I checked in google and read some posts in this community. Still no luck.
I am a QA engineer and my test automation files names are like this in vs code
ex: validation.test.js
I am not sure what types of errors does sonar lint show? I am trying like this
case 1: tempEnv = "www; // i removed the 2nd quote " in this line.
I am expecting a bulb icon to show quote is missing, but not getting sonarlint error or bulb icon
case 2:
count = json.total;
if(!count) {
console.log (count)
I am expecting a bulb icon to show the similar error like in demo in this website
but not getting sonarlint error or bulb icon
Please someone help me?