Sonarlint in Vs2015 Not showing a list of projects and not getting connected with SonarQube server

I’m trying to connect sonarlint to sonarqube but it doesnt seem to work.

I’ve vs2015 enterprise installed with the sonarlint v extension from the marketplace, connecting to sonarqube version 5.6.3.

When I try and connect to our sonarqube instance, it appears to connect properly but nothing happens after it attempts to download the server settings.

Here’s the output from sonarlint:
Connecting to SonarQube server: https://sonar.** .
Connecting to SonarQube server: Validating credentials
Connecting to SonarQube server: Detecting server plugins
Discovered a supported plugin: Language: ‘C#’, Minimum version: ‘5.0’
Discovered a supported plugin: Language: ‘VB.NET’, Minimum version: ‘3.0’
Connecting to SonarQube server: Retrieving projects
Connecting to SonarQube server: Succeeded
Connecting to SonarQube server: Downloading server settings.

What should happen after this? in team explorer all it shows is the connection screen.