SonarLint for VSCode 3.15 - Analysis of JavaScript in HTML files, more Java and Python quick fixes

Hello VSCode users,
I am hapgladpy to announce our latest monthly release! SonarLint for VSCode v3.15 automatically analyzes the JavaScript code within your HTML files:

You can browse the 300+ JavaScript detections supported by Sonar here. Every detection comes with a description that helps you understand and fix the issue, and for a selection of those rules SonarLint also proposes quick fixes.

Speaking about quick fixes, in this version we’ve added 11 quick fixes for Java and 17 for Python.

If you use VS Code to code in C or C++, you may interested to know that we’ve added support for clang-cl and Microchip compilers.

You can find this version’s release notes here.
Enjoy coding with SonarLint,
