SonarLint for VS Code 4.6 - Advanced issue detections for Java

Hello VS Code users,

The release 4.6 of VS Code is out! :sonarlint:

With the new version of SonarLint, you’ll be able to detect 6 advanced issues that can cause your Java programs to crash. Those rules were already available in SonarQube and SonarCloud branch and pull request analysis; you can now benefit from those detections directly in the IDE, meaning that you’ll be able to remediate those problems before sending a pull request, and even before running your unit tests. Here is the list of rules:

  • S6466: Accessing an array element should not trigger a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • S6416: Calls to methods should not trigger an exception
  • S6320: Cast operations should not trigger a ClassCastException
  • S6417: Collections should not be modified while they are iterated
  • S2190: Recursion should not be infinite
  • S6322: Unsupported methods should not be called on some collection implementations

To benefit from this Java advanced issues detection, you need to run SonarLint in Connected Mode with the latest version soon available in SonarCloud and SonarQube (10.6 which will be soon available as well).

We also improved analysis capabilities:

  • On Python, we added 5 rules which mainly focus on the machine learning library Scikit-Learn.
  • For C# developers we added 7 new rules.

You can find the release notes here.

Thank you for your continued support!
