SonarLint for Visual Studio 8.1 - Custom secret detection, Open SonarCloud issues in the IDE

Hello Visual Studio users,

The SonarLint version 8.1 of Visual Studio is out! :sonarlint:

With this new release, you will be able to detect custom secrets in your IDE so that you can avoid leaking them into repositories, from the custom rules based on your own secret patterns that you defined on SonarQube.

You’ll now be able to open any issue you’re investigating in SonarCloud into Visual Studio so that you can investigate it and fix it with all the help SonarLint provides (dataflow navigation, rule description, quick fixes) without having to locate the right file and line of code manually.

SonarLint will automatically open the correct file and bring the focus to the line of code containing the issue.

To benefit from this functionality, in addition to updating SonarLint to 8.1, you’ll need to:

  • Ensure the project and branch you have opened in the IDE correspond to the one containing the issue you’re reviewing in SonarCloud.
  • Use SonarLint in connected mode

You can find the release notes here.

Thank you for your continued support!
