Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube 9.9
And a thorough description of the problem / question:
If you have a .sonarlint/connectedMode.json, the notification to bind to SonarQube is pre-populated with those values.
But if I have this file in a project, then the intention is, that everyone should use this binding.
It would be nice if the presence of that file automatically configures the binding and does not require an additional click.
Thanks for reaching out and bringing this topic to the table.
Your point is valid here but it is a bit tricky to automatically bind a project especially with SonarQube because of the URL verification.
I would love to understand how do you share the Connected Mode configuration in your organization?
Up to now just telling people in dev-docs how to set it up as connectedMode.json was not a thing when we started.
Now I just discovered that and thought it allows to automatically get the connected mode configured.
It allows the connected mode to be configured automatically. As you said, the developer needs to apply it with one click. I understand your point and I have stored the insight to keep track of it. We might improve it in the future.