SonarLint analysis on solution is not showing issues in visual studio 19


I installed SonarLint plugin in Visual Studio 19, and it’s showing issues when I’m writing new code, and also shows all issues when I open a source page.
Nut when I run analysis of overall project solution, it’s not showing me any issues.

SonarLint giving warnings when I open a source page:

SonarLint not giving any warnings when I run solution analysis:

Is it a bug or am I doing anything wrong?

Hi @arohithr8,

By “run solution analysis”, do you mean by clicking on one of the menu commands in VS?
If so, the short answer is that the menu commands in VS run legacy FxCop rules, not Roslyn-based rules like the SonarC# rules in SonarLint. See SLVS-719 for more info.