AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
64,0 GB RAM
SonarLint plugin version:
Programming language you’re coding in:
Java Gradle Project
Is connected mode used:
Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):
The freeze occurs before I use it.
And a thorough description of the problem / question:
I deleted eclipse completely. Then I installed eclipse 24_06 completely new. I imported a githhub Java Project. The currently used plugins are: Checkstyle Plug-on 10.18.1, Eclipse m2e - Maven support in Eclipse IDE Latest, Eclipse Marketplace Client 1.10.3, TM Terminal CDT 11-6 (2024-06).
At this point everthing works. But when I add SonarLint 10.6 eclipse freezes, after restart. One can see that in the tab “Progress” its currently trying to “Refreshing workspace”… but it halts/stalls at a certain file of the project (/svws-server/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs). The CPU is also working all the time, there are several “Java TM” processeses using CPU.
I also tried configuring SonarLint, but clicking on “Windows > Preferences > SonarLint” leads to eclipse not responding, and then of eclipse crashing.
The problem is reproduceable.
The problem is solvable, if I deinstall the SolarLint plugin.
I would appreciate any help here.
Sincerely Benjamin
… what ist also interesting is, that after killin the process [Refreshing workspace (Cancel Requeted)], SolarLint continues to write log-informations and is not notified properly that the process should be canceled. I still get lines like this:
File content changed: /deployment/linux-installer/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'P/linux-installer' (added/changed) -> 'P/linux-installer' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'F/linux-installer/.settings' (added/changed) -> 'F/linux-installer/.settings' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
[DefaultSonarLintProjectAdapter#files] Try get file of resource 'P/svws-browser-test' -> 'P/svws-browser-test' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
File content changed: /linux-installer/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'P/svws-module-reporting' (added/changed) -> 'P/svws-module-reporting' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'F/svws-module-reporting/.settings' (added/changed) -> 'F/svws-module-reporting/.settings' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
File content changed: /svws-module-reporting/.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs
File content changed: /svws-module-reporting/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'P/svws-schulen' (added/changed) -> 'P/svws-schulen' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
[FileSystemSynchronizer#visitDeltaPostChange] Try get file from event 'F/svws-schulen/.settings' (added/changed) -> 'F/svws-schulen/.settings' could not be adapted to 'org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.resource.ISonarLintFile'
In some cases, it can be useful to extract thread dumps from the running instance of your IDE for debugging; thread dumps can help us investigate UI freeze issues or threading problems.
Sorry for not reading it exactly. I tried to create a thread dump but I did not succeed. Here is what I did in Windows PowerShell in the java/bin folder:
And another Information I forgot to add. A team-member of the same java project also has the same problem with SonarLint 10.6. So the problem is not a “pc”-specific problem. He said that going back to SonarLint 10.5 did help.
thanks for reaching out. I will be investigating this issue.
Can you tell me a bit about the project you imported? Is it big, does it contain multiple sub-projects? I guess you imported the project as a Gradle project or each project as a Java project (JDT) into Eclipse?
Maybe, if the repo is available on GitHub, then you can link it perhaps?
I already have something in mind where it might be coming from but I need a little bit more information here in order to determine the root cause and create a bug ticket.
there is a SonarLint for Eclipse dogfooding artifact ready at the Dogfooding Eclipse Update Site. Please give it a try and check if the freezing / crashing still happens.
I’ve tested with the version of the Eclipse IDE you mentioned as well as using the same repository on Linux, and couldn’t reproduce it anymore.
thanks for the very positive feedback! The actual release is currently scheduled sometime between the 30th of September - the 2nd of October.
Until then you can use the Dogfooding artifact (aka the latest green master build on our side) and even further if you like. Otherwise, maybe mirror the GitHub release page for the next released version as the next version is releasing there first before any announcement happening on the Community Forum.
We encountered the same problem and I can also verify that the Dogfooding Eclipse Update Site fixed the issue for our Eclipse Workspace (> 100 Java Projects)