SonarCloud with Azure DevOps PRs - how to create a "bot" user

We are using SonarCloud to analyze code in Azure DevOps. We would like to add the analysis to our PRs.

The Microsoft lab that outlines this discusses creating a PAT from a “bot” user so it is easy to tell who is a developer vs. sonarcloud. I can’t find anything on the internet about how to do that, it’s driving me nuts. Does anyone have any insight how I can create a “bot” user (preferably without buying additional licenses) in Azure DevOps?

Section #3:


There’s a reason the “bot” is in quotes. Your only option is to create a new azure AD account and pay for an azure devops and potentially azure ad license. It’s the only way unfortunately. This is on azure devops as the only kind of account they support is azure ad users.


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