Our Quality Gate has a condition to fail on new code when the number of accepted issues is greater than zero.
One of our branches of code had an accepted issue and still passed the quality gate when the accepted issues met the failure condition.
We are curious why this passed the Quality Gate and if it has anything to do with the “snooze” icon next to the accepted issues count in the dashboard.
I was expecting (hoping) to see that your ‘Accepted Issues’ criterion was on overall code , which would explain the situation. Since it’s not, could you check one more thing: double-check in the project’s Information that the name of the ‘Quality gate used’ is the same as the name of the one you’ve screenshotted above?
No problem, I wish that was the case as well…we are a little stumped on this one. I can confirm that the ‘Quality gate used’ is indeed the same name as the one in the screenshot.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
I noticed that switching between the tabs (Summary, Issues) doesn’t refresh the Quality Gate status (it’s a bug).
What happens when you refresh the page? Is the correct Quality Gate status shown?
Have you reanalyzed in the interim? On subsequent analysis, is it still the case that there’s a passing Quality Gate and an accepted issue? And if so… I don’t suppose the project is public & you could share a link?
We ended up changing our Quality Gate to pass for Accepted Issues, that ended up matching the way we wanted to use Accepted Issues anyway. Because of that change, we haven’t seen the same issue on any analysis. Unfortunately, not a public project.