SonarCloud PullRequest analysis not working

ALM: Github
CI: Github Actions
Scanner Command: maven and gradle commands
Lang of repo: JAVA

Recently we have integrated sonarcloud for all our github repositories, we started observing for couple of repositories the pull request and branch analysis is not working other than master branch.
All the projects uses same Github actions(we have our own re-usable GHA workflows for maven and gradle builds).
I don’t see any error logs in my Github actions workflows.
Could you please help us what could be the issue.

Hey there.

Can you share your full GitHub Actions YML pipeline? Specifically it will be interesting to see the triggers.

Hi @Colin,
Please find attached workflow file and let me know if anything is missed to configure.

Parasappa (1.1 KB)

Hi @Colin
Adding more information what i had observed.
When i run my github actions within Github Provided runners sonarcloud was able to process the pull request, however when i run the Github Actions Inside AWS Codebuild runners the pull request is not processed in the sonarcloud.
What observe when running Github actions inside the code-build runners it shows below log.

Multiple CI environments were detected, disabling auto-configuration

And as per this post i added autoconfig disable property, still the same issue i am facing.

Appreciate your help.


That’s indeed helpful.

I think it would be helpful for you to run an env or printenv to dump the list of environment variables being used, to better understand what might be conflicting.

Hi @Colin
Below two env vars are conflicting with pull request analysis.


With temporary fix, i’m unsetting these env’s before i run sonar analysis and its working.

is there any plan to support AWS Codebuild as CI tool with SonarCloud?
