SonarCloud integration with Azure AD SSO


My company registered a Sonarcloud subscription and want to allow our users to login using their Azure AD.

So my question will be “can we integrate AZ AD SSO with Sonarcloud?” Is there any guideline for this?

Ive googled but the result mostly about integrating with SonarQube


Welcome to the community!

Logging in with Azure ought to ‘just work’. What barrier are your users experiencing?


Hi Ann,

The users are logging in using Bitbucket account. I am looking for a AZ AD SSO integration guideline for SonarCloud.


Is your organization bound to Azure or to Bitbucket?


Hey @JayTran

Hey @rashmi.mamtani

We recently launched SonarCloud Enterprise, which includes support for SAML, and specifically support for Okta and Azure AD / Entra.