Sonarcloud-github-action recommends using Azure Pipelines for .NET - should that always be true?

Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:

  • ALM used (GitHub)
  • CI system used (GitHub Actions)
  • Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked)
  • Languages of the repository - C#

sonarcloud-github-action - recommends using azure pipelines for .NET, however no reason is given. I don’t understand why? I’m using SonarCloud and the GitHub action template that is provided when adding a new project (with custom build) so was wondering why the GitHub action to do a similar thing recommends not using GitHub actions?? also maybe adding justification on the README might be useful

Thanks in advance.

Hello Simon,

I think the main reason is that our template doesn’t use SonarScanner for .NET which is the way to analyze .NET projects.

Did you have to do some tweaking to the exemple/template to make it work ? If it’s working fine for you then that’s ok, it’s just not the recommended way since it might be a bit trickier to put in place.

Hi Gregoire,

thanks for your response - yes I did need to do some tweaking.
