My organization has a project with a React.js front-end coupled with an ASP.NET MVC being used as a basic API and router to the front-end. We are using Azure DevOps for our build pipeline:
The pipeline is successfully running, and does seem to spit out a cobertura-coverage.xml file, as well as .html files. I can download and view the code coverage report manually just fine.
During the SonarCloud scan task I can see it ingest the .coverage report and successfully make a conversion. However, code coverage stays at 0%
Apparently I cannot post more than 3 screenshots as a new member here… This is extremely limiting…
In your SonarQubePrepare task (aka Prepare analysis on SonarCloud), what Sonar coverage parameter are you using to pass the LCOV report? Did you use sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths?
No lcov report seems to be generated at all, despite the jest.config.js settings. However, a cobertura-coverage.xml file is being generated and published as an artifact.
The sonar scan task seems to be locating the .coverage and .trx files:
We definitely want coverage for both the C# and ts files. I’m looking at this portion (sorry, Jest is new to me) - despite setting it in the jest.config.js file it doesn’t appear to ever get generated.
I’d be happy to get any files that would help with this, and a private message would be awesome.