Sonar Community Roundup, November 4 - November 10

Well, it’s been a quiet week in the Sonar Community, my hometown, out there on the edge of the digital expanse.

Like every week we want to spend some time saying thanks to everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback on Sonar products that will help us continuously improve.



  • Thanks @maspe36 for helping us identify a bug where docker isn’t considered a remote toolchain by SonarLint, and as a result the analysis fails because our C++ analysis tries to probe a Linux executable on a Windows host. We’ll work on that with CPP-4039.
  • Right after upgrading, @gnl42 started getting errors in SonarLint for Eclipse because it wasn’t computing a relative file path properly. SLE-747 will fix it.

Rule / Language Improvements:

That’s the news from the Sonar Community, where all the women (@ganncamp) are strong, all the men (@Colin and @leith.darawsheh) are good-looking, and all the developers are above average.

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