Hello Sonar Community!
It’s been a big week here in the Community, with lots of help and guidance from you, our members, to improve our products and your experience with them.
We’re grateful when you take the time to do that, so like every week we want to spend some time acknowledging everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback to help us continuously improve.
Earlier this week, download links for our scanner disappeared from the documentation. Thanks for letting us know @gquerret! The links are back, safe and sound.
We’re going to improve the Jenkins Plugin for SonarQube (or is it the SonarQube plugin for Jenkins?) so that users can distinguish different SonarQube analyses. Thanks for the report, @anon67236913.
The SonarCloud UI lacks the button that lets you extend the description of Security Hotspot rules. We’re adding it. Thanks, @sfrancaix!
Our analysis can get confused, and even crash, when a file’s “real” location is outside of the project base directory (like when it’s a symlink). @Paul_Birtle and @Oodini ran into this, and we fixed it with SONARTEXT-164.
- NodeJS is required to analyze Javascript/Typescript/CSS code, but some developers don’t work with any of those languages. We’re going to improve the messaging within SonarLint for Eclipse to make this more clear. Thanks @John_Lussmyer! SLCORE-864
Rule & Language Improvements:
We are going to improve the rule description for
to better help users like understand why the issue is raised. Thanks @kirinalexdev! SONARKT-392 -
should not be raised when a list is filled by another function and then iterated on. Thanks @Valentijn! SonarSource/sonar-dotnet #9444
Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.
Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.
@Colin, @ganncamp, and @leith.darawsheh