Sonar Community Roundup, December 14 - December 20

Hey all!

The year is wrapping up and we won’t see @ganncamp again until the new year! I’ll be here though. Hopefully we don’t see too much of you all, not because we don’t want to see you, but because we hope you’re spending the end of the year with loved ones. SonarQube is important, but it’s not that important.

We’re grateful every time you give us feedback, so like every week we want to spend some time acknowledging everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback to help us continuously improve.

SonarQube Server:

SonarQube Cloud

  • Thanks @kaufmo for your report that it’s not possible to disable GitHub Member Sync after moving to the new SonarQube Free plan. We’re on it!

SonarQube for IDE:

  • We found out pretty quickly after releasing some new versions that there was a regression that caused Connected Mode authentication to fail for SonarQube Server versions between v10.0 and v10.4. Now, these are EOL versions of SonarQube, but it shouldn’t just break from one day to the next without some fanfare. A new version of SonarLint for VSCode is out and other bug fix releases are on the way. Thanks for the reports @Alsiri0n and @ppanchal-mobiz! SLVSCODE-978


Rule & Languages Improvements:

Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.

Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Happy holidays.

@ganncamp, @Colin, @steve.chen and @leith.darawsheh