Shellcheck output is empty

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using
    *** SonarQube: serverVersion=
    *** shellcheck-plugin: sonar-shellcheck-plugin-2.3.0.jar
    *** sonar-scanner-cli (docker-image)=4.50
  • what are you trying to achieve
    *** checking a shell file and make the results visible in sonarqube server project
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this
    *** running the sonar-scanner-cli traces the following output
    sonarscanner_1 | 12:57:16.871 DEBUG: Executing command: [shellcheck, -x, -f, json, /usr/src/.sh]
    sonarscanner_1 | 12:57:18.197 DEBUG: Output from shellcheck:
    sonarscanner_1 | 12:57:18.200 INFO: Sensor ShellCheck Sensor [shellcheck] (done) | time=1331ms
    and i dont see any infos in the project view in sonar server
    *** running "shellcheck -f json <> traces lots of warns, errors

help is appreciated, thx a lot


Welcome to the community!

You’re better off reporting this issue to the maintainers of that plugin; probably by filing an issue on the repo.
