error observed: The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed your 250000 limits but we navigate to Administration → 135,916 lines currently analyzed
steps to reproduce: We created the same project with a different key that crossed the 250K threshold. Even though we deleted the duplicated project, the issue still persists.
potential workaround: no workaround as of today.
P.S.: use the #bug:fault sub-category if you’re hitting a specific crash/error , or the #bug:fp sub-category for rules-related behaviour
Could you provide some more details around this? What does your License page currently show your server-wide LoC at? And when you say “the issue persists” could you describe the circumstances more fully?
Current LOC:135,991.
Our main project total line of code is 129K. We have created a duplicate of the main project, which added another 129,000 lines (total up to 260K) and exceeded the developer subscription threshold ( 250K). we have deleted the duplicate project and it reduced the LOC to ~136K but SonarQube analysis fails because SonarQube indicates we are still exceeding the developer subscription threshold. (Please see the attachments). How can we resolve the issue?
So you deleted the duplicate and you’re trying to re-analyze the main project. But it sounds like maybe you didn’t reset the project key back to the original key for the main project. Is that possible?
Hi, I work in the same project. The duplication happened a few month ago, and should not relate to the current issue.
Right now we only have one project, and we changed the project key from “LumPDK” to “lumpdk”. Now when we try to upload new SQ data (with the new key “lumpdk”, I just double checked it), we get the error message:
The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed your 250000 limit.Please contact the instance administrator.
Could it be that SQ is wrongly detecting the whole project as “new code” (which is a feature I have not completely understood)?
Well… yes and no. If you hadn’t done it and you’d been successful in reanalyzing then you’d have a second project. But a mismatch between the project key analysis is submitting and the one now stored with the project in SonarQube seems like the prime suspect to me.
Can you double-check that the key analysis is passing matches the one in SonarQube? Add -Dsonar.scanner.dumpToFile=path-to-file to your command line to see the parameters actually being passed.
I know this question comes a bit too late, but if you run select * from projects in your DB, how many results do you get ? Do you see any unexpected projects ?