Server crashes shortly after starting up

Just trying to get started with sonarqube-enterprise- I was able to get the GUI up, and it appears to be working, but then shortly after it crashes. This is what is shown in the console.

$ ./ console
Running SonarQube…
COMMAND_LINE= “/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/./wrapper” “/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/…/…/conf/wrapper.conf” wrapper.syslog.ident=SonarQube wrapper.pidfile="/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/./"
wrapper | --> Wrapper Started as Console
wrapper | Launching a JVM…
jvm 1 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)
jvm 1 | Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:34 INFO app[o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube/temp
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:34 INFO app[] Elasticsearch listening on /
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:35 INFO app[o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key=‘es’, ipcIndex=1, logFilenamePrefix=es]] from [/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch]: /opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:35 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running
jvm 1 | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:36 INFO app[o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:36 INFO app[o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:56 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is up
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:58:56 INFO app[o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key=‘web’, ipcIndex=2, logFilenamePrefix=web]] from [/opt/sonarqube]: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx1G -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.|[::1] -cp ./lib/common/:/opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2/h2-1.4.199.jar /opt/sonarqube/temp/sq-process13124692525754928086properties
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:59:34 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is up
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 15:59:34 INFO app[o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key=‘ce’, ipcIndex=3, logFilenamePrefix=ce]] from [/opt/sonarqube]: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx2G -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.|[::1] -cp ./lib/common/:/opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2/h2-1.4.199.jar /opt/sonarqube/temp/sq-process5983032177898490416properties
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 16:00:39 WARN app[o.s.a.p.AbstractManagedProcess] Process exited with exit value [es]: 137
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 16:00:39 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is stopped
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 16:00:44 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ce] is stopped
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 16:00:47 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is stopped
jvm 1 | 2020.03.18 16:00:47 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is stopped
wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped

There’s a few log files in your /logs/ directory, described in the Troubleshooting Documentation. Anything interesting in any of them?