[SAML] Configuration Sonar ➡️⬅️ Azure


We created a business application on Azure, we set up SSO on the Azure side and SonarQube.

When you click on “Login in With SAML”, the Azure AD login appears and nothing happens afterwards.
Login saml

We also set up the Signon Url on AzureAD

For information, in the AzureAD logs of the application, we see the connection successful.

Version * Version 8.9

Can anyone help me please ?


Hello @Fahmi
welcome to the SonarSource community! And my apologies for this late reply.

For an Azure AD SAML integration two guides can be found there:

  1. Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Sonarqube
  2. SAML Single Sign On (SSO) into SonarQube using Azure AD

They date from the time where SonarQube had a SAML plugin, while now the implementation is embedded, but the approach and configuration fields are the same still. The MS tutorial just wrongly states that the user account needs to be created on SonarQube side.
Did you find and follow them already?

If you’ve configured group mapping (claims), you’ll need to add all needed groups to SonarQube manually or through its APIs.

If you are there and your connection does not work still, you will need to activate SonarQube DEBUG logs and look into your web.log to check for any meaningful error.
Feel free to share your findings.

Best regards