Random PRs Not Analyzed with Automatic Analysis

Hello folks,

We are experiencing an issue with the automatic analysis feature in SonarQube Cloud for one of our projects. While most PRs are analyzed as expected, we have noticed that some PRs are skipped without any apparent reason. We have to use the automatic analysis to work properly with PRs from forks.


  • Analysis Setup: We are using SonarCloud’s automatic analysis (no CI-based setup).
  • Issue: Certain PRs are not analyzed randomly, even though there are no obvious differences in their content compared to other PRs.
  • Expected Behavior: All PRs should be analyzed.
  • Project: MudBlazor
  • Example PRs: PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6

We would appreciate any help.

Thank you for your support!

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I am facing this as well since several days ago with this PR: feat(github): add github integration by ReenigneArcher · Pull Request #368 · LizardByte/support-bot · GitHub

It was initially being analyzed, but after a force push it was no longer analyzed. I tried a couple of things to try to get sonarcloud to pick it up again, but to no avail.

  • Deleted PR in SonarCloud
  • Force pushed a new commit in GitHub
  • Closed and re-opened the PR in GitHub

I’m also using automatic analysis.

Edit: re-creating the PR didn’t make any difference feat(github): add github integration by ReenigneArcher · Pull Request #371 · LizardByte/support-bot · GitHub

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Possibly this incident has returned? SonarQube Cloud Status - SonarQube Cloud: Automatic Analysis Service Disruption

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Hi all,

Do the ignored PRs target non-main branches? Automatic analysis only handles main.


Thanks for the prompt reply.

In our project, all PRs are created from forked branches and target the upstream default branch, which in our case is dev.


Do you see any errors or warnings in the UI when this happens?


Unfortunately, no. There is no SonarCloudBot comment in the PR, no logs in the GitHub workflows (because there is no CI workflow for Sonar), and the PR does not appear in SonarCloud UI at all. :confused:


Thanks for confirming. I’m going to flag this for more expert eyes.


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Our default branch is “master”. I cannot find any logs in the sonarcloud ui, and nothing being triggered under background tasks. Everything is working for other repositories with the same settings, and I believe even for other PRs.


Has this issue been occurring for some days/weeks, or is it punctual?
We suspect there could be an issue with the webhooks sent by github, preventing the automatic analysis services from triggering analysis on those pull requests.

I have forced pushed to my PR branch probably hundreds of times (incrementally working on improvements to the code) over the last couple of weeks. feat(github): add github integration by ReenigneArcher · Pull Request #368 · LizardByte/support-bot · GitHub

I get the webhooks from GitHub in Discord for every force push. I rebased another PR (build(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by dependabot[bot] · Pull Request #370 · LizardByte/support-bot · GitHub) and that one had a new analysis run on it as well.

This is also a duplicate PR (using a different branch, but same commits)… same issue: feat(github): add github integration by ReenigneArcher · Pull Request #372 · LizardByte/support-bot · GitHub

Hey @ReenigneArcher

FYI, we are investigating this alongside a few new reports that came in today. We’ll keep you updated. Thanks for the examples you’ve already provided, which will help us track down what’s going on.


We are also experiencing this issue. From what we can see, all our manually created PRs are not triggering an analysis report using automatic analysis.

Example of non-analysed PR

However, we noticed that Dependabot PRs are triggering automatic analysis:

Example of analysis working


Hi all,

We’ve found the cause of this: our WAF was over-aggressively blocking some GitHub webhooks. The fix should come soon.



Glad to hear that.

Thank you very much!

Confirming that the issue is resolved. Thank you!

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