Pull Request Quality Gate showing "Not computed" even when there are failing results reported

Just adding more context here if helpful. (we are seeing same issue as mentioned above)

It appears to only be impacting PullRequest widget. The “Show repository overview widget” is still showing correctly:

For the PullRequest widget we are seeing the Not computed label for both “passing” and “failing” PRs.
example passing:

example failing:

Checking API data via the console:
I can see that the API used by the “overview” widget (https://sonarcloud.io/integration/bitbucketcloud/repo_widget_data) is returning data like this. (and I think the important part is the measures.alert_status property)

But for the “PR widget” (https://api.bitbucket.io/addons/sonarcloud/dat/repositories/<redacted>/pullrequests/26/code_quality), the API being used looks slightly different. (I think the important part is the qualityGateStatus property. NOTE: the measures property does not contain an alert_status)

Maybe there was a recent update to that API, and the contract changed? (This might just be “old news” and not at all related to the problem :man_shrugging: , just only thing that sticks out from what I can see in the console. I’m not seeing any actual errors or anything in the console, though I might just be not seeing something obvious :see_no_evil: )