Pull Request Decoration failed with AzureDevOps

Hi @Furiphan ,

Please check these other threads and see if it helps:

For a HTTP status 403 FORBIDDEN error, it seems that your authentication credentials are not allowed, so this could be the password or permissions. Please review both your global configurations and project-level PR decoration configurations and confirm that they are correct and up-to-date: Azure DevOps Integration | SonarQube Docs

Next, I would recommend generating a fresh token in Azure DevOps that is authorized for the scope: Code (read and write) and replace the existing token in your SonarQube instance’s global Administration > ALM integrations section and try analysis again.

Lastly, double-check your proxy configurations (make sure you can ping to your SQ server from the build machine) and/or check for firewall issue between the two systems with your network team.
