Pull Request analysis stopped working

Hi everyone!
We use SonarQube Community EditionVersion 8.9.9 (build 56886).
Since Oct 2022 we’ve been using the following properties without any issues:

  • sonar.pullrequest.base
  • sonar.pullrequest.branch
  • sonar.pullrequest.key.

But since 2023 Sonar scan fails with the following error.

o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.key" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See https://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/branches.html for more information.
o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.branch" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See https://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/branches.html for more information.
o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.base" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See https://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/branches.html for more information.

We didn’t have any trial period for paid licenses.
Could please someone help to understand what happened?
Thank you in advance!


Sorry, no clue. Pull request analysis should never have worked in Community Edition. It starts in Developer Edition($), which is very reasonably priced.


Thank you for the response. But how to explain the fact that we were able to use Pull request analysis in Community Edition till 2023? :frowning:
Please check the screenshot attached.


No clue. If you were using a 3rd-party plugin to support it, then you need to ask its maintainers.

And it’s worth noting that your footer will reflect current state. You’re currently on Community Edition. That doesn’t mean you were in October.
