Since yesterday our builds on “Azure DevOps” (VSTS) are failing at step “Publish Quality Gate Step”:
with a timeout we have this error: “2019-01-29T09:41:28.9147866Z ##[error][SQ] Task failed with status FAILED”
without a timeout with have the warning: “2019-01-29T13:06:21.2136921Z ##[warning]Task ‘AWiZt6n4wLm-hKbaiNOO’ takes too long to complete. Stopping after 0s of polling. No quality gate will be displayed on build result.”
There are no more information to debug, it has been working fine for several monthes.
To investigate, you need to manually subscribe to the notifications from SonarCloud web page.
Doing so, you’ll receive an email like:
[SonarCloud] XXX: Background task in failure
Project: XXX
Background task: xxx
Submission time: 2019-01-30T11:53:41+0100
Failure time: 2019-01-30T11:53:43+0100
Error message: Due to an upgrade, you need first to re-analyze the target branch ‘dev’ before analyzing this pull request.
More details at: SonarCloud
By manually launching the IC build on dev branch, and relaunching the build on the branch (PR) then it’s fixed!
I think this kind of email alert should be activated by default for the administrators (owners).
For every git repository, we have a Continuous Integration (CI) Build in Azure DevOps (our build platform), that does build + test + publish Sonar results.
I just have to queue manually a new CI job on “dev” branch (which is our default/base branch) to solve the issue on Sonar.