sonar Qube version: 6.7
Trying to achieve: added Jacoco plugin in pom.xml, want to send the report /coverage to sonarqube, added sonarqube plugin also in pom.xml.
Is there any way to disable the below property, by default it’s running and searching for the folder but it’s not there.
So what will be caused and how to disable or I need to add something in the plugin, kindly suggest
Error Details:
Sensor Generic Test Executions Report [WARNING] Property ‘sonar.genericcoverage.unitTestReportPaths’ is deprecated. Please use ‘sonar.testExecutionReportPaths’ instead. [INFO] Parsing /${WORKINGDIRECTORY}/target/test-results/jest/TESTS-results-sonar.xml
sonar.testExecutionReportPaths . this property I didnot added anywhere.