[PREVIEW] Sonar Groovy 1.8-rc2


since I probably won’t have time to work on the Groovy plugin for several months, I’ll try to get the current set of changes out before my holidays:

  • Through the work of Mathias Åhsberg, the plugin now uses CodeNarc 1.6.1 (and updates to newer versions should be a lot easier)
  • The plugin should now work with SonarQube 9.0

For the full release notes, see the GitHub release.
Direct download: https://github.com/Inform-Software/sonar-groovy/releases/download/1.8-rc2/sonar-groovy-plugin-1.8-rc2.jar
SonarCloud report: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=org.sonarsource.groovy%3Agroovy

If nobody complains, I will push a final release of this version on Tuesday or Wednesday…


Feel free to invoke me in your announcement @TobiX.


Any updates on groovy plugin?