PR setting for bitbucket 5.16.0 and sonarqube 6.7.7 LTS


I have a Bitbucket 5.16.0 (server version) and sonarqube 6.7.7 LTS. Also I installed Sonar for Bitbucket Server plugin on the Bitbucket.

I want to integration bitbucket with SonarQube and use PR analysis feature per branches. This feature dosen’t work.
would you please help me about that?


It seems that you’re using a third party product developed by “Mibex Software GmbH”. I think you should contact them for support.

Hi @felipebz
thank you for response. before that I have a problem about branch detection in sonarqube .
when I run sonar scanner in any branches sonarqube detect that as a master branch.
how can I resolve this issue and sonarqube detect branches?


What edition are you using? Branches are only available starting in Developer Edition, and PR analysis wasn’t introduced until 7.2.
